Professional and Experienced Staff

Our Staff

Given the complexity of transplantation procedures, in carrying out his duties at Surabaya Hairtrans Clinic, Dr. Med. Bambang Soegianto is supported by a number of professional and experienced staff. Each Surabaya Hairtrans Clinic staff has specific and tested capabilities in handling the hair transplantation process. The medical equipment operators have also participated in compulsory training on equipment operations.

The demand for professionalism for the staff in carrying out their duties is actually not excessive, considering the success of hair transplantation is also largely determined by the expertise of the surgeon as well as the readiness of the support team. Several stages in hair transplantation procedure, such as the process of separating hair follicles which is assisted by a micrografting microscope and the follicles insertion process must be carried out carefully, without errors and timed very wisely. Miscalculation and lack of expertise of the team may cause unwanted consequences, for example the death of cells in the hair follicle.

With the experience of running international standard hair transplantation technic since 2003, the surgeon and Surabaya Hairtrans Clinic team of experts ensure that every stage that the patient will go through starting with the procedure review, taking scalp strips in the donor area behind the head, follicle preparation/graft making, rest and refreshment, hairline design, incisions on recipient area and graft insertion, to post transplantation is carried out methodically according to the standard operating procedure applied at this hair transplantation clinic located in Surabaya.

Contact Us. Our experts are ready to assist.